Festival of Dance


15 – 24 July 2022

Our inaugural ‘Festival of Dance’ featured ten days of exceptional performances, workshops, suppers, talks and other events at Messums Wiltshire.

One of the most dynamic artistic mediums, dance, has the ability to inspire, activate the mind and bring people together like no other art form.

In 2022, as a part of the Festival of Dance Messums Wiltshire introduced a newly established emerging choreographer platform 4 by 20.  Through this platform, the organisation supported two choreographers at the beginning of their career, providing a commission for the artists to develop new dance pieces as well as present their work at the Festival. In 2022 the 4 by 20 call out was aimed at female-identifying choreographers only.


An integral part of our festival activity is connecting with the local schools and educational institutions. In 2022 artists Kennedy Muntanga led three dance workshops at St. John’s School, engaging with over 75 young people. Messums Wiltshire also opened ‘4 by 20’ rehearsals for student groups to observe the creative process happening on stage.

As a part of our festival we offered free workshops on site: AOmaon Collectif and Roseanna Anderson led creative dance workshops on 17 July for anyone over 12 years of age and we held short dance activities for under 12 year olds on 24 July – all participants were invited to attend the screening of PINA happening afterwards for free!

Photo (top): Todd MacDonald

Thank you to our sponsors:

Alexis and Frances Prenn, Jenny Tozer, Harry MacAuslan, Sophie Caruth, Richard Hanlon, Christina Dawson, Charlie Stone

Thank you to our founder members:

Albertine Pugh, Sarah Radclyffe, Nicholas and Louise Chapman, Michael Elliott, Lou Verrill, Dr CJ Best, Peter Mandelson, Tineke Pugh, Annie Field and Doric Bossom.